5 Vegan Myths That Need to Die (Humanely)

5 Vegan Myths That Need to Die (Humanely)

In recent years, has proven that it’s no fading fad: The number of people  continues to rise, plant-based food sales and demand are steadily growing, and recommendations for meat-free living by healthcare giants like  and the  ensure the lifestyle is here to stay.

Veganism, in dietary terms, is defined as a diet free of animal products like meat, fish, and poultry as well as , eggs, gelatin, and (for some practitioners) honey. Whether you’re considering , have already made the switch, or just want a ringside seat to this vegan myth debunking session, we’re here to set the record straight with some honest-to-Betsy-a-rescued-cow-now-living-on-a-sanctuary-farm vegan facts.

1. Vegans Don’t Get Enough Protein

Variety of Vegan Protein Food Sources | Vegan Facts

Fact: Vegans can meet their protein needs from plant sources.

“People are often surprised that plant-based foods are actually filled with and can add up to easily meet your daily needs,” says Krista Maguire, RD, senior nutrition manager for BODi.

 somewhat on recommended intake, but the  suggests adults get 10 to 35 percent of their total daily calories from protein for normal healthy function.

Of course, the amount of protein you need also depends on your gender, age, and activity level. Calculate yours using the , and consider these fantastic vegan protein sources:

2. Vegans Are Iron Deficient

Over the Shoulder Shot of Person Cooking Vegan Meal with Lentils | Vegan Facts

Fact:  vegan diets can reach daily iron recommendations.

There are two types of iron: heme (meat sources) and non-heme (plant sources). “Plant-based eaters tend to consume more iron than omnivores,” explains , MS, MA, RD, author of A Guide to Plant-Based Eating. “However, it’s non-heme iron, and absorption of non-heme irons varies substantially.”

The differences in bioavailability of heme and non-heme iron may explain why  found sufficient but significantly lower iron levels in non-meat eaters.​

To adjust for this difference, the  recommends that vegetarians consume 1.8 times more iron than people who eat meat. You can hit your  (18 mg) through these great non-heme iron sources:

Iron deficiencies are uncommon in the U.S., but Andrews says they are “more typical in pre-menopausal women and anyone who donates blood regularly.”

He cautions against supplementing your iron intake without knowing your blood levels. “Having too much iron in the body is also a situation to avoid,” Andrews adds.

3. All Vegan Food Is Healthy

Close-Up Images of Oreos Isolated | Vegan Facts

Fact: Just because a food doesn’t contain animal products .

Sure, Oreos and Lay’s Potato Chips are vegan, but in order to maintain a well-balanced diet, Maguire recommends foregoing . “The closer the ingredient is to its original form, the better,” she says.

A truly plant-based approach to eating does offer a variety of health benefits — in general, vegetarian diets are associated with  and better overall heart health.

The  further asserts that well-planned vegan and vegetarian diets “may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.”

Still,  after  encourages vegans to watch their nutrient intake.

“Plant-based foods vary in their profile,” notes Maguire, “so eating food combinations like rice and beans or peanut butter on toast ensures your total daily intake consists of .”

4. Eating Vegan Will Save the Planet

Image of Plant Foods Overlayed on World Map | Vegan Facts

Fact: It’s a lot more complicated than that…

 is an incredibly intricate system deeply tied to geography, economics, and cultural values. The optimism of this myth is encouraging, but there’s no single answer to solving climate change.

A  of farming’s environmental impacts, however, found even the “lowest-impact animal products typically exceed those of vegetable substitutes.”

Generally, the review found that animal-related products occupy roughly 83 percent of the world’s farmland despite providing just 18 percent of its overall calories. So even just reducing your meat consumption, especially beef, can help lower your carbon footprint.

Andrews agrees that “100 percent plant-based eating generally results in a .” Additionally, he says, “it can support the wellbeing of animals, support more humane working conditions for farm laborers, and decrease the odds of developing the most common non-communicable diseases.”

So while veganism may not solve all of the world’s problems, it just might make it a nicer place for the creatures who live here. Including you!

5. Vegans Are Morally Superior

Happy Woman Points at Her "Go Vegan" Shirt | Vegan Facts

Fact: What people choose to eat is highly personal (and admittedly arbitrary).

“Humans are able to thrive equally well on a variety of eating patterns, including 100 percent plant-based,” says Andrews. No one diet is for everyone, and no one diet is necessarily superior to another.

“The interaction between food and the human body,” he continues, “is profoundly complex. So it’s really tough to say that one way of eating will be nutritionally sound for everyone.”

Basically, people just have to adjust their eating to their bodies, their environment, and their ethical needs. Are strict vegans disciplined? Yes! Are they “better” than you? Nah. They’re just people trying to live their lives like everyone else.

Maguire hopes that “at some point we stop putting labels on ourselves based on what types of food we choose to eat.”

Hopefully learning these vegan facts can help us all have more compassion — even for those who like tofu way too much.