Becoming a successful mindfulness teacher and attracting new clients

Becoming a successful mindfulness teacher and attracting new clients

21 ways to promote your meditation teacher skills

Becoming a meditation teacher might be on your vision board for the future, but attracting clients to hire you to teach can feel overwhelming – especially if you struggle to connect the idea of business and mindfulness together!

When you are a a freelancer running your own business, you’ll feel like you wear many hats!  One of them is promoting your valuable services so potential clients can connect with you!

Or perhaps the idea of promoting yourself and your meditation work fills you with dread?  You simply want people to find you and choose your services.  But as we know, life is busy and there are so many distractions that it can feel difficult to be heard and seen by potential parents, carers and adults who need your services.

For the past 20 years, we’ve been dedicated to training meditation teachers, especially those focused on teaching children and teens through our .

As part of the core values, we believe in fostering a community where exchanging insights benefits everyone; it’s important that our meditation teachers have a successful teaching practice so we encourage sharing ideas and best practices in our exclusive online member community.

Becoming a (successful) mindfulness teacher

With that in mind, this list of tips and ideas can help you promote your role as a mindfulness and meditation teacher – whether you are one of our qualified or a therapist/professional looking to expand your reach.

  1. Include your hometown or county/state into your social media bios to establish a local connection.
  2. Use local hashtags in your posts to attract local followers and discover like-minded individuals in your area eg #Edinburgh #Scotland.
  3. Visit nearby wellbeing centers or yoga studios to chat about potential collaborations or offering free talks on the your speciality – eg teaching kids meditation.
  4. Contact local parenting/toddler gatherings to explain the benefits of children learning meditation and offer some free support in return for testimonials you can use on your social media/website.
  5. Offer a prize for local fundraising causes that link to children and wellbeing (you could offer a free 121 session).
  6. Connect with local meditation and wellbeing groups to network and support fellow teachers and trainers.  As they get to know you, they might signpost people to you or bring their own children!
  7. Connect with local groups like Scouts, Cubs or Brownies to provide short talks and a demo of group meditation for children.
  8. Find out if you can write an article on the benefits of your speciality that you could share with any of the above groups on their local newsletter or blog.
  9. Visit local health food stores and crystal shops within a 10-mile radius (or however far you are willing to travel) and check out any potential collaborations.
  10. Think about how you find out what’s going on in your local community and see if you can use them to promote your role as a meditation teacher.
  11. Consider joining a local meditation or yoga group to expand your network and explore potential opportunities.
  12. Sign up to local business groups on Facebook and other social media that allow you to post your services/if giving free talks at events.
  13. Consider contributing articles to your local community’s website or Facebook page, focusing on topics like “how to reduce anxiety for kids with mindful ideas.”
  14. Collaborate with local schools, reach out to explore what their wellbeing approach is for children and if you can match your services to their needs (eg an after school club).
  15. Create a community meetup, start a local meditation or mindfulness meetup group so you can expand your network.
  16. Utilise local newspapers and magazines, write articles or press releases about the benefits of meditation for local newspapers or magazines. This can establish you as an expert in the community.
  17. Attend community fairs and festivals,  set up a booth or participate in local fairs and festivals. Engage with the community, distribute informative materials, and offer short meditation demonstrations.
  18. Create online content for locals, develop content like videos or blog posts focusing on local themes or events. Share these on social media to attract a local audience.
  19. Offer discounts for *locals, provide special promotions or discounts for local residents, encouraging them to try your meditation classes or workshops.
  20. Ensure your energy is clear and balanced. If you create articles, social media posts and or any promotional material from a place of lack and fear, the energy of this will connect to potential clients.  Use the skills we teach on the . to reset, ground and balance your energy so you can come from a heart-centered space that fills your local community with love.
  21. Join a professional register or association to showcase your professional approach to your work and enhance your visibility in searches. That’s why we – in order to promote their activities in collaboration with our accredited program.

Good luck !

*It’s a good idea to be clear about how far people might travel to you (or you to them) to teach their kids meditation.

  Curious about becoming a meditation teacher?