Easy Day, Then a Metric Century – BionicOldGuy

Easy Day, Then a Metric Century – BionicOldGuy

Wednesday was hard upper body day, which I did first for 35 minutes at home. Then I squeezed in a 21 minute easy ride before lunch, and another 34 in the afternoon. Rides are posted and .

Yesterday my wife had an errand so we were going separate for lunch, so I decided to knock off the metric century ride for the Strava challenge I’d signed up for. I’m still a little gun-shy about flats, so I did three separate sections to minimize the furthest I’d be from my house. I rode 100.4 km (62 miles) in a riding time of 5 hours 12 minutes, and a total elapsed time of 5 hours 40 minutes, with a couple of snack breaks along the way, for an average speed of 19.3 kph (12 mph). That’s not bad considering I was using my heavy duty tires, not performance tires. Fortunately I had a nice sunny day for it. Posted on Strava .

The route, showing sections 1, 2, and 3
Section 1- Heading up Beanral looking towards Santa Teresa Park
Section 1- On Heaton Moor Drive
Section 2- On Coyote Creek Path
Section 2- On Coyote Creek Path
Section 3- On The New Extension to West Little Llagas Creek Path. The poppies are blooming already.